Homemade Mocha Frappuccino

by Barry Lewis

Prep time
10 mins
Cook time
1 mins


240ml espresso or very strong coffee, made ahead of time, cooled

160ml milk

1tbsp sugar

1.5 tbsp chocolate sauce

10 ice cubes

Whipped cream and chocolate sauce to finish

Introduction – the mocha frappuccino

According to the Internet a mocha frappuccino or frappuccino is a trademarked brand of the Starbucks Corporation for a line of blended coffee beverages that are served cold. It consists of coffee or other base ingredient (e.g. strawberries, bananas, cream), blended with ice and other various ingredients, usually topped with whipped cream and sauces.” They are extremely addictive indeed!

Make a unicorn frappuccino!?

I’ve had a lot of requests recently to try out a unicorn frappuccino and whilst I normally do not shy away from a challenge, something did not fully sit right with me, I mean it’s a pretty epic bonkers looking  thing indeed, I don’t like the idea of drinking something bright pink etc….

unicorn frappuccino

So as a comprimise, i’ve decided to opt for one of my classic favourites at home – the homemade mocha frappuccino, an iced coffee from Starbucks which is deceptively naughty, except this one is less, well, neon and my homemade attempt tasted less sugary when I had the two side by side with an authentic one in the video! So…..

How to make a homemade mocha frappuccino

To make this homemade mocha Frappuccino you’ll need minimal ingredients, but you will need an ice breaker blade on your blender ideally.

First up ensure that you get yourself a decent coffee made, ideally an espresso or similar and of course make sure that it is cold – or it will melt the ice cubes etc. So what i’m saying is make it ahead of time. Once cool or at least room temperature put into a blender and add the other ingredients. You can actually tweak this if you wish adding the milk / coffee / sugar / chocolate sauce ratio as you go. It’s personally to me fine with less sugar or excluding it at all.

Blend until the ice is broken up and smooth, then finish with extra cream and chocolate sauce on top if you wish. The ingredients listed make enough for 2 people.

Homemade mocha frappuccino recipe


Ok, this thing is the real deal! Give it a go and see how you get on, little tweaks like caramel sauce etc can be used to really customise your homemade Starbucks recipe clone.