5 Desserts less than £5

by Barry Lewis



White chocolate mousse

200g White chocolate chips

350ml Double cream

Fruit to top (optional)

Ice cream

400g Strawberries, hulled and chopped

4 Bananas, peeled, sliced and frozen

Wafers / Cone to serve

Chocolate sauce to serve

Peanut butter fudge

450gPeanut Butter (I went for crunchy)

400g Ready made frosting (or homemade!), warmed

Melted chocolate to drizzle on top

Nutella Souffle

180g Nutella

2 Eggs

Icing sugar to dust (optional)

Cherry Cake

1 pack of cake mix (add water only version)

2 x 500g tinned cherries (500g for the cake)

Icing sugar to dust (optional)

Here’s how to make 5 different desserts that cost well less than £5 to make, per portion even cheaper! You can play around with these as much as you like – if you aren’t a fan of cherries, perhaps try tinned apple, make sure it’s in a thick syrup and you’ll be fine!

White chocolate mousse

Melt the white chocolate chips in batches in the microwave, typically 30 second blasts. Add in the cream slowly, folding through as you go. Add to a serving glass and chill until set, top with the fruit – easy one!

Ice cream

Make sure you slice and peel the banana before freezing it to make the whizzing up easier. Chop the strawberries into even slices too and whizz together in batches with the banana to form a consistent texture, place in a bowl, freeze until set at least 4 hours, it is like a soft serve texture but very nice indeed, so keep frozen. Serve with the wafers and chocolate sauce.

Peanut butter fudge

Warm the peanut butter and the frosting together in a large microwave safe bowl on 30 second blasts, stirring in between, keep warming until smooth and consistent, push into a lined tin and chill to set, drizzling with melted chocolate on top if you wish before putting in the fridge, chop up, serve, share and keep in an airtight tub – very addictive!

Nutella Souffle

Separate the eggs, whisk the egg whites on their own until stiff peaks appear, and stir together the yolks with the Nutella in a separate bowl until just merged. Fold in the whipped egg whites until one consistent colour, texture – don’t over stir it. Pour into a greased ramekin about ¾ way full and bake for 18 mins or until risen and puffed up at 180fan/160c/350f or equivalent. Don’t remove it too early as it could collapse, allow to cool and dust with icing sugar.

Cherry Inception Cake

As above if not using cherries make sure whatever fruit you are using is in a thicker syrup, juice or a watery texture may impact the results, but you could always add an egg to help firm it up if you wish.

Anyhow combine the packet mix (make sure it is a just add water one) with 500g of the tinned fruit and mix well, add to a greased and lined cake tin, baking to the package instructions, allow to cool and top with the remaining tinned fruit before slicing and sharing, very nice!