Homemade Sausage Rolls

by Barry Lewis


2 onions, finely chopped
2 cooking apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped
1tbsp butter
1tbsp sugar
1tsbp cider vinegar
2 slices of bread, whizzed up into breadcrumbs
2 garlic cloves, chopped
Salt and pepper
Handful of sage leaves, finely chopped
800g pork mince
2 sheets ready made puff pastry
1 egg, beaten with 1tbsp milk
To top (optional)
2tbsp sesame seeds
2tbsp poppy seeds

Homemade sausage rolls are something i’d been asked to make many times! They are super popular here in the UK for a picnic or snack any time of Year really hot or cold…it’s become quite a trend for oversize gourmet style ones to be available at the moment, so I decided to try and make my own! In this video, we make gourmet style pork sausage rolls with a caramelised onion and apple filling. You can play around with the filling as much as you like and make them as big as you like too! Enjoy 🙂

In a frying pan, fry the butter over a medium heat until it starts to foam (30 secs or so), then add in the onions and sugar, fry for a good 10 mins until lightly golden, add the cider vinegar and the apples, continue to fry for a further 10 mins or so to caramelise the onions to a more deeper golden colour.

For the last minute or so stir in some extra dried herbs or spices if you wish but we can also add it later with the pork mince mixture too. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. In a large bowl combine the pork mince, sage leaves, breadcrumbs, garlic, salt and pepper together with the cooled onion mixture and mix well with hands until well merged together like a gigantic meatball!

Flour your surface (or flour some baking parchment ideally to make it easier to move) and lay down the puff pastry sheet, gather the filling in your hands and start to put it into a long snake shape lengthways down the pastry, about 1cm in from the edge. Now do a test roll of the pastry to try to fully encase it and see where the pastry joins to create a seal. Egg wash here and then actually roll in and press down cutting away any excess. You should be left with a giant sausage roll! Cut into sections to make smaller sausage rolls.

Make a little incision with a knife into the tops of the sausage roll and give an egg wash to each, then sprinkle with the seeds before baking for approximately 40 minutes @ 350f/180c/160fan or equivalent or until golden brown. Allow to cool before serving at room temperature or keep chilled in the fridge for up to a week in a sealed container.