DIY vs DRIVE THRU : Sausage & Egg McMuffin

by Barry Lewis


English Muffins

250g Pork Sausage (double it up if you want!) –

1 Large Egg

1 Slice Cheese

Salt & Pepper to season

1tbsp Butter plus extra for greasing

Ever wondered if the phrase ‘we can make it quicker than this’ when sat in a drive thru is true!? Well let’s find out with the help of some students on work experience from Weston College, we put together our very own Egg McMuffin race! Watch the homemade sausage and egg McMuffin here or in the video embedded above.

How to make a Sausage and Egg McMuffin

Take the pork mince and season it well with salt and pepper. Press down into a ½ inch thickness piece and use a cookie cutter ¼ bigger than the size of your English muffins, and cut out a circular disc. Place on baking parchment and place in the fridge for the time being, wrapped.

Get a frying pan place in a greased cookie cutter the same size as the English muffin, add a little oil and butter to the pan, let it melt and then crack the egg into the cookie cutter, add water to the pan outside of the ring about a quarter of the way up the cookie cutter. Pierce the egg yolk and stir it a little to break it up, cook over a medium heat and place a lid on top for approximately 5 minutes or until the egg is set.

Remove the egg from the toaster and add some more oil as you cook your sausage patty, again with a lid on, turning once until charred. The pork should shrink down and be almost the same size as the egg all being well. Remove onto kitchen paper.

Meanwhile halve and toast the English muffin, then butter it generously. Build with the cheese, egg, then sausage on top, finishing with the top of the muffin. Eat immediately or warm in the oven wrapped in baking parchment. They aren’t nice cold!