I wanted to find out what would happen if you compared 10 minute, 1 hour and 24 hour fried chicken. After making homemade KFC, an air fryer KFC and the crispiest fried chicken in the World, I had to try this comparison out. It’s easy in isolation to think ‘that’s juicy / tender’ etc, but side by side when you have time (or don’t!) leads to interesting comparisons!
10 minute fried chicken
Get your fryer on to approx 160c. Dry the chicken with kitchen towel, mix and coat well all over in the dredge mixture to fully coating, shaking off any excess.
Fry in batches for 10 minutes or until browned resting on kitchen towel, ensure chicken cooked through before serving, or continue to fry for 1-2 minute batches as needed. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warmed in oven if not eating immediately, but isn’t too bad cold to be fair!

1 hour fried chicken
Mix the wet marinade ingredients together, pat dry the chicken and place it in a bowl with the marinade. Cover in the fridge for an hour whilst you get your oil warmed to 160c approx. Mix the dry dredge ingredients together, dip the chicken into the dredge coating well all over, double dunking if needed in the marinade, but it’s the flour coating that really pops.
Fry in batches for 10 minutes or until browned resting on kitchen towel, ensure chicken cooked through before serving, or continue to fry for 1-2 minute batches as needed. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warmed in oven if not eating immediately.

1 day fried chicken
Dry the chicken thighs with kitchen towel. Mix together the dry brine ingredients and cover all over the chicken pieces, then place in an airtight container lined with kitchen towel to keep them dry, cover and leave for 8 hours.
Remove the chicken and mix together the wet marinate ingredients, add the chicken into the wet marinade to fully coat, cover and leave overnight in a fridge.
Before removing mix the dry dredge ingredients together, dip the chicken into the dredge coating well all over, double dunking if needed in the marinade, ensure fully coated. Fry in batches for 10 minutes or until browned resting on kitchen towel, ensure chicken cooked through before serving, or continue to fry for 1-2 minute batches as needed. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warmed in oven if not eating immediately, but isn’t too bad cold to be fair!

White bbq sauce
Simply mix the ingredients together in a bowl, best to add in batches to taste, keep chilled and covered.